Women, I tell you ! Really?

                          I was watching the channel Romedy Now, known for feel-good /romantic movies .They were playing some random movie that made me wonder about relationships, that in spite of the presence of goodness in people ,why are most relationships so discordant? Why do we need movies to remind us that we can actually feel good about somebody and live happily ever-after? Why do some people attract only the wrong things (e.g. - people).Ever wondered that in a city as huge and diverse as Mumbai (where I come from), why is it so hard to find the one? And even if you think you have found the one, why do things start falling apart after a while?

Most would think that women are difficult to understand.
            It is very simple. What does she want? To do whatever she wants, so what if she complains about everything, so what if she has her mood swings after every few hours? Isn’t it all worth it when she cooks the best meal for you after a hard day’s work? And when things turn sour, the only way out is to stop analyzing the situation and accept the true nature of your better half because beneath every strong, driven and confident woman, there is a fragile girl wanting to be rescued. Rescued from the social stigma, the constant battle between what the society wants and finding herself. Maybe some women aren’t meant to be tamed or to please your mom or have perfect hair every day .You always have to give time and keep investing in relationships like you do in your finances.
                             Finally, you cannot judge or tell which would be the best relationship because there are the ones that expose you to something new and exotic, those that are old and familiar, and those that bring up a lot of questions, those that bring you somewhere unexpected and those that take you far from where you had started. But the most amazing and challenging relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you, you love, well, isn’t that just fabulous?


abi said…
Strong thoughts.....energetic words...

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