Examinations Vs.Education ! Not really .
The subject caught our attention
initially when news channels reported numerous increasing suicide levels after
the board exams .Subtler versions of the news showed the ultimate showdown from
the parents over their children’s results, results displaying a little less
than the maximum possible marks. After numerous such incidents people had the
most culpable event that is ‘Examinations’ to blame. It is a classic example of
an innate ability of humans to judge a situation based on the results, agreed
the results show one’s performance on paper, but what the child has gone
through during the preparation is still under wraps. How can examinations kill something
that we subconsciously do every single minute? Academics are a part of a
life-long learning process which needs to be screened now and again via
examinations for better placement of people in the society. Isn’t this how one
is supposed to be allotted the most deserved place in our civilization?
As toddlers,
our parents encouraged us to walk, talk and when they asked us to showcase what
is a nose, eyes, ears etc. it didn’t kill the ability to learn more; but as we
grow up, parents are scared of being censured by the society if their child
does not perform, they indirectly have their children subjected to unnecessary
societal burden. The impacts of the examinations have been unpleasant for many
of us, but the results make us realize that we need to chase our dreams and
that we may just not be in the correct direction .We might be chasing something
that we don’t even wish for deep down.Failure in an examination makes us
grounded, it gives us the must needed time to ponder on our true interests and
passions. The current generation is all about following the crowd, to do what
is most demanded in the market, examinations are designed to break this
stagnancy in a student’s mind-set. It breaks the resistance or fear of the
student to discover his true passion which may not be on the same lines as
their parents’ wishes. Examinations can never kill education if people
comprehended the intended and true meaning of education.
True the system is such that one's actual ability does get clouded but its the people who devise such systems. So we need to change to drive a change!.. Good thoughts shared in this one!